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The contract assignment from No. 112-16 by UN Development Program in Iraq , several of our company the
The contract assignment from No. 130-16 by UN Development Program in Iraq , our company with several
The contract assignment from No. 40-17 by UN Development Program in Iraq , several of our company the
The assignment of the contract No. n / 274/9 custody of our company by the Ministry of Oil Company gas filling the
The entities with which the company worked
Ministry of Industry Nasr General Company
Ministry of Oil / Gas Filling Company
Ministry of Industry / Al Samoud Company
Relif International / RI
(United Nations Development Programme (UNDP
Afkar Organization for Development and Relief (NGO)
General Electricity Transmission Company in the Northern Region
OXFAM Organization
Local government of Anbar
Reconstruction Fund Affected by Terrorist Operations
Membership in international organizations
Member of the United Nations Global Compact
Quality Management Certificate ISO 9001 / 2015
Certificate of practicing a profession from the Contractors Unio
Certificate of affiliation from the Federation of Carriers
Letters of thanks
A book of thanks and appreciation from Anbar province
A letter of thanks and appreciation from the Anbar Provincial Co
A letter of thanks and appreciation from the Director of Labor a
A letter of thanks and appreciation from Ramadi's list
A book of thanks and appreciation from Anbar Education Directora
A letter of thanks and appreciation from the Anbar Water Directo
A letter of thanks and appreciation from the Anbar Water Directo
A letter of thanks and appreciation from Anbar Water Directorate
Company Profile
Certificate of incorporation of the company
Minutes of the company meeting
Contract of incorporation of the company
Book of capital increase
Company IDs
The identity of the Ministry of Planning
Baghdad Chamber of Commerce
The identity of the General Authority for Taxes.
Shareholding Companies
Administrative section
Financial Department
Commercial Section
Engineering Department
The company's departments
Saif Al Adl Company Public transportation & general trade
Laith Al Sahara Company For Petroleum Services &Public transpor
Themar Al Taqwa company Trade in livestock frozen meat
Contracts executed by the company
Contracts 2009
Execution and processing of electrical and mechanical works / Al
Contracts 2010
Installation and operation of the new Kankel line / Al Sumood Co
Contracts 2011
Rehabilitation of electrical, mechanical and civil works / Al Su
C.N 111\Rehabilitation Miling and turning machine/Al Sumood Co
Rehabilitation of Furnace Building&the Furnace (Rotary Klin) /
Rehabilitation flame cutting machine / Al Sumood Co.
Installation of the Forging Machine &Rehabilitation of it's buil
Implementation of several echanical and electrical construction
Contracts 2012
Processing Koellat galvanized iron / Nsir company
Rehabilitation and processing furnaces box materials / Nsir comp
Contracts 2013
Manufacturing, printing and install, installation and distributi
Processing 2000 tons of steel Rol The Ministry of Oil / Gas Comp
Rehabilitation furnoce and Processing materials / Al Sumood Co.
Contracts 2014
Construction of (25000m2) Fence &(3000m2)seed storage in Al Anba
Contracts 2015
1250 tons of iron hull processing cylinder The Ministry of Oil /
Contracts 2016
Rehabilitation of the pumping station E3 & M2 ( UNDP )
Rehabilitation of the pumping station F1 & F2 ( UNDP )
Contracts 2017
Rehabilitation of Buildings and Workshops Vocational Training Ce
1250 tons of iron hull processing cylinder The Ministry of Oil /
Hay Al-Shuhadaa Clean - up project in Falluja Anbar" ( UNDP )
Rehabilitation of Potable Water Network for the University Campu
Rehabilitation of 5 Water Complexes in Karma, Anbar Governorate,
Construction of The chools of 18 Classes in Falluja, Anbar Gover
Completed the work of the fallen tower No. 228 type XYA
Rehabilitation of 7 Water treatment plants in Al Anbar / ( NRC )
Construction of 3 schools 12 classrooms in Ramadi / ( UNDP )
Renovation and Equiping of the Workshop in Falluja Industrial Sc
Contracts 2018
Rehabilitation of a closed hall for Habbaniyah Sports Club
Provide and installation of a water complex unit 200 m 3 / hour
Implementation of 33 KV Feeder Line for Al-Obaidi District - Al-
Rehabilitation of 6 Water treatment plants in Heet & Qaim - Al A
Rehabilitation of 2 Water treatment plants in Al Ramadi – Anbar
Rehabilitation of Hay Al – Andulus cemetery – Ramadi / (NRC )
rehabilitation of Water Station Al Naeemya (Al Hitaween) in Anb
83 - 18 Additional work line Baiji - Kirkuk 400 KV
363-18 Supply and Installation of block latrines, Septic tanks a
Contracts 2019
Rehabilitation of the commercial market in Heet , Al -Anbar
Rehabilitation of 2 Water treatment plants in Al Qaim – Anbar Al
Implementation of power transmission line east of Mosul - Tahree
Implementation of the power transmission line Ninewa gas - therm
Demolition and reconstruction of Al-Shahed Al-Sabbagh Boys Schoo
Demolition and reconstruction of secondary school Al-Shams for g
Supply and installation of a unit of water combined cap
Supplying the materials of the electrical network for the distri
Contracts 2020
P-AM042/20 Rehabilitation of the water tank in the Saqra region
P-AM110/20 Rehabilitation of The Public Clinic in Al-Qaim
P-AM123/20Rehabilitation of the Electrical Feeder from Al-Qunait
P-AM170/20 Rehabilitation of the building of Al-Baghdadi Municip
Rehabilitation of Anah Water Treatment Plant (WTP) located in An
Rehabilitation of streets Al Haouz area in Ramadi
Rehabilitation of the Boukniffer water complex in the Karma dist
Contracts 2021
ITB 003147 Rehabilitation of Internal Roads & Supply and inst
P AM 361 -20 The demolition and rebuilding of Um‐Kalthum Primary
20 / 2021 Rehabilitation and development of the Southern Hawalli
49 / 2021 Supplying and installing a water complex for expansion
P AM 122 - 21 Rehabilitation of the Dohat Al-Ali water complex i
23 / 2021 Development of 4/11 KV feeders from the proposed new S
67 / 2021 Supplying supporting materials for the Fallujah electr
69 / 2021 Replacing the carrier line to 17th Street with the br
101 / 2021 Rehabilitation of the entrance road to Zenkora, with
177 /2021 Paving a group of sub-roads in the area of Zankour
359 / 2021 Rehabilitation of the entrance road to Zenkora, with
2021/328 Rehabilitation of the electrical network of low and hig
33362 / 2021 Rehabilitation of Two Primary Health Centers in Al-
2021/28891 Construction of Prefabricated units and installatio
WFP / Distribution of meals to school students in Basra and Dhi
Contracts 2022
IQ21NF033-LTA-A Distribution of meals to school students in Basr
23 / 2022 Preparing and installing the Zankora / Al-Boufiad wate
Processing different electrical materials/ direct execution
15 / 2022 Supplying link fuses 11 kV with aluminum
16 / 2022 Supplying distribution transformers with a capacity of
24 / 2022 galvanized clamp pole installation 11m
199 / 2022 Paving a group of roads in the area of Zengora and th
Rehabilitation of four water complexes in KarITB - 2022 - 41574
Supply & Installation of Solar Street LightsITB - 2022 - 41931
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The contract assignment from No. 112-16 by UN...
3678 مشاهدة
The contract assignment from No. 130-16 by UN...
3925 مشاهدة
The contract assignment from No. 40-17 by UN...
3712 مشاهدة
سجل الزوار
40 / 17
40 \ 17
40 / 17
112 \ 16
The contract assignment from No. 40-17 by UN...
The contract assignment from No. 112-16 by UN...
The contract assignment from No. 130-16 by UN...
مدخل تجريبي اول
مدخل تجريبي ثاني
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The contract assignment from No. 112-16 by UN...
3678 مشاهدة
The contract assignment from No. 130-16 by UN...
3925 مشاهدة
The contract assignment from No. 40-17 by UN...
3712 مشاهدة
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